
Peace. Peace. Peace.

He died that we may live.
What needs to die in us for us to live more fully?

He died for the forgiveness of our sins.
What needs to die in us to be merciful as God is merciful?

He died that we may have complete joy.
What needs to die in us to be happy?

He died to conquer darkness and evil.
What needs to die in us to conquer our fears?

He died because he loved us as the Father loved him.
What needs to die in us to love as he loved us?

He died to show us what true friendship is.
What needs to die in us to be friends with ourselves
and with one another?

He died that the Advocate of truth may come.
What needs to die in us to be advocates 
of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty.

He died to bring us his Peace.
Peace be with all beings.


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