
Let us cross to the other shore.

"Let us cross to the other shore," Jesus said to his followers. Then while on the boat, a violent storm raged. The scared disciples woke Jesus who was sleeping. "Master, do you not care that we might die?" He stood up and commanded the sea: "Be still. Be calm!" The sea obeyed. Turning to the shaken men, he said to them: "You of little faith!"

I am invited by God to cross this river of life to the promised land. The unpredictable river is life itself. The boat is this body and its senses, the mind, the heart, the soul. And within this boat is the Divine. But I forget this Presence when dark clouds, or storms overwhelm me. The oars are my prayers. My strength, my endurance, and my determination come from my longing to be with the Beloved.

How about you? When was the last time you were afraid? What was your conversation with God like? What makes you keep the faith?

Here's a breath prayer for those uncertain times:

On your inhale, pray "I Am with you..."
On your exhale, say "You are with me."
Repeat until the prayer comes from the heart,
then 'be still, be calm' and feel the Love.

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